Campaign Priorities

Grow the number of communities impacted and nonprofits reached.

Our Why: We know that Fair Chance gets results with nonprofits we serve, who in turn create more access and opportunities for children, youth and families in communities impacted by racism, discrimination and poverty.

Our Ask: Invest in Fair Chance’s infrastructure to grow our capacity to work with more communities and nonprofits. Like any business, we need capital to reach new markets. Based on our successful experiment in Prince George’s County, MD, we will conduct research, promote our services and build relationships in new geographies with strategic partners. Disseminating what we have learned and telling our story will require additional capacity.

Your gift will help Fair Chance expand our programs and services to nonprofits in new geographies or could fund a cohort of nonprofits working on the issues you care about. Your support can also fund specific outreach, research, marketing capacity or other special projects.

Develop new and enhanced services to strengthen nonprofits and build a network of community collaborators.

Our Why: Nonprofits cannot change conditions alone. It takes collaboration with stakeholders. Using various strategies, we will strengthen both nonprofits and their connections within communities leading to greater results for children, youth and families.

Our Ask: Support Fair Chance in creating and delivering new and enhanced services to sustain strong networks of nonprofits in communities impacted by racism, discrimination, and poverty. Help us convene and connect resources to nonprofits, particularly those led by people of color, amplify their stories, and advocate for policies that will remove barriers to their success.

Your investment will provide a boost to our emerging alumni and advocacy efforts. You can fund a pilot program for closing the fundraising gap for Black leaders, the development of a new workshop series around nonprofit survival strategies, nonprofit mergers, or a new community of practice for nonprofit leaders.

Support Fair Chance’s Endowment for the Future.

Our Why: An endowment will provide Fair Chance long-term sustainability.

Our Ask: An investment in Fair Chance’s endowment ensures support for our programs for decades to come. It is a crucial step toward financial sustainability—the assets invested will achieve long-term capital growth, and a portion of the fund is distributed annually to Fair Chance to fund special projects that will benefit both us and our network.

Our endowment is powered by

Many thanks to Mary Pat & Darren Alcus for their generous support in opening our endowment fund with the Greater Washington Community Foundation.